AI with soul
for your creative writing
We're not here to replace your voice, but to amplify it.
AI Workspace for Creative Writing
We respect your privacy at Amber
No more writer's block thanks to Amber's AI
Local files, local AI, and no account needed
Write your next story, blog, or marketing email
Amber’s editor is built for focused long form writing
Write whenever wherever, own your content and stop switching between chat apps. Amber stores all your files locally, syncs over iCloud and requires no account or internet connection to work. Amber works with both online AI providers and it's own local AI.
You can add previous books you've written, prior meeting notes, or even hook Amber up to your codebase to help write rich documentation.
Pin notes so you can access them across every section or create them per chapter basis. Amber will also check your notes before making changes.
Use on-device transcription powered by Whisper to edit, write and think out loud. The magic behind Cleft Notes, now in a dedicated writing interface.
AI has completely changed how we think about writing, enabling anyone to create stories at unprecedented speed.
Tools to generate text are everywhere, but writers need AI where they are already working, their editor.
Developers and designers have AI embedded in their everyday workspaces but writers are left to copy paste from chat apps, losing context, tone, and style in the process. We believe the best way to embrace AI content is to ensure it has a human touch before it hits the final page.
Amber isn't here to replace your voice, but instead help you use more of it.
This is the sweet spot between AI efficiency and human creativity – where you can write faster and search deeper, while keeping your writing unmistakably yours.